One Hand on My Pocket (Diapers)

Hello, my name is NavelgazingBajan and I’m a pocket diaper addict.

I didn’t think this would happen to me with all my minimalist baby aspirations, but I LOOOOVVEEEE pocket diapers.

Did you hear me?

I LOOOOVVEEEE pocket diapers!

Every time I stop by one of our local natural baby stores I end up with at least one new pocket diaper.

I love that they come in a one-size option which means I can adjust the size as Baby E grows.

I love that the inserts absorb the moisture leaving the lining of the diaper relatively dry.

I love that they are just so freakin’ cute!

But dem diapers ain’t cheap – no siree bob! However, given the fact that I can get months of use out of them that means the cost is spread out over time.

Still, my pocket diaper stash is relatively small and I build it as we go along. I don’t know yet if I’m partial to one brand over others yet but I do know that I love snap fasteners over Velcro fasteners and hook fasteners. Why? The snaps won’t wear out from frequent washing like the Velcro might and the hooks make things a tad more complicated than they need to be. I mean, when you have a screaming baby, a wriggly baby or a baby who just loves to roll over while being changed ( I’m looking at you Baby E!) then hooks can make things take longer than you want them to. Although, the benefit of Velcro is that it’s so far been the quickest way to fasten the diaper.

However, no matter the type of fastener the diaper has, it still needs to stand up to the poop test. So far, the diapers have done a good job of containing poops big and small. And that, my friends, is all I need to know.

Posted on January 16, 2010, in Cloth diapers, Natural parenting and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. I had a love affair with pocket diapers for a minute there too and the hubby still prefers them to anything else. I like the simplicity of prefolds and pins but as Z2 gets older, you can’t beat the quickness with with you can get a pocket diaper on and off. I like also that for nighttime, you can stuff them with as much as you need to get the right absorbency. And they’re so convenient for going out. I guess I still have a love affair with prefolds! LoL.

    • We still do prefolds. In fact, Baby E is in prefolds most of the week when he’s with his sitter. My husband might actually prefer using prefolds and pins too. It’s actually time for me to get a bigger prefold size so I’ll use the smaller ones as inserts for the pockets and doublers for the future prefolds.

  2. I think my fav pocket diapers are the Blueberry brand. The minky is to die for! They are sooooo cute. I just love all cloth diapers. I keep looking at my stash, and can’t wait to use them again this spring.

  3. Ok, i need to know what kind of diapers you use, bc i tried some pocket diapers (I think i did. Im not even sure what a pocket diaper is) but they werent very absorbent. Her first pee soaked through. Zara loves turning over when i change her. It does make it a lot harder. I cant believe your baby fell off the bed just as you wrote that comment. Well, i think its a right of passage or something!

    • So far I have used Happy Heinys, Fuzzibunz and Wahmies. A pocket diaper looks like an All-in-One but you have to stuff an insert into the diaper. They shouldn’t soak all the way through. You can stuff them with whatever absorbent material you want.

      And yes, a few hours after I posted on your blog, my boy did a tuck and roll off the bed. At least that’s how I envision it. I think I’ll write a post about it.

  4. Those ARE cute. We used prefolds and Bum Genius One Size with E-Train until we moved into a house where the laundry is in the basement. We can barely keep up with the regular laundry.

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