Category Archives: Post-partum

Itch me here, itch me there

Itchy! Itchy!


I’ve been breaking out in hives. It started on my feet and spread pretty much everywhere else except from the shoulders and up. A quick google search let me know that this is one of those weird side effects of giving birth that NO ONE TELLS YOU ABOUT! Well, to be fair, it’s more like it’s one of those postpartum issues that’s both common and uncommon at the same time. I’m wondering how useful postpartum hives are on an evolutionary basis. Can you take care of your offspring effectively if you’re too busy scratching? Maybe it’s nature’s way of forcing you to be a multi-tasker.

I can nurse my baby, write this blog post and scratch my little toe and elbow all at the same time!

Or it might be a cosmic joke, as in, ” You thought the weird pregnancy crap was over, huh? Wait till you get a load of this!”


I’ve been itchy for about 2 weeks and it’s gotten worse in the past few days. At least when the leg cramps ended they were done.

What I didn’t expect now that I’m not expecting!

1. My feet and hands are STILL swollen!!! – Well, granted they’re not as swollen as they used to be but it still sucks. Plus now my feet are really itchy in the swollen parts. Grr…

2. Showers are hard to come by. If I’m lucky enough to get a shower these days it’s because C is home with me and Baby E. Brings back memories of the Hol’ A Fresh song:

3.  I am a human pacifier.

4.  Eating half a meal is an accomplishment – I completely understand now what my mother meant when she used to say, “Wunna children won’t let me eat!”

5. My bellybutton has not returned to its formerly cute self.

6. If I eat eggs Baby E gets horrible gas…for days. No newborn should smell like that…ever.

7. People are really nice to you when you have a newborn.